Thursday 29 November 2012


I am back. So much to be grateful for at the moment.

I am grateful for the savings we have. Mr V is looking for employment at the moment so morale is on the low side in the house. It's almost 4 months now and I am grateful for the savings we have. We are not getting money from anywhere else at the moment so having to rely on our savings is a relief.

I am grateful for this orange cake my dearest mother made 2 weeks ago. It has served me well as breakfast, lunch and dessert. And there's still more of this delicious cake. You can imagine how big the cake is.

I am grateful for this laptop right now. Our home computer is on its way out so I am grateful we still have this laptop to connect to the cyber world.

:) Gee

Sunday 12 August 2012

Change is not easy but not always bad.

I've disappeared a while, as you can probably see. I've ventured into the working world and managing the home and work can be tricky..... Honestly it can be down right exhausting. My house is now extra dusty, laundry pile is 2 feet higher and dinner is an hour later than usual.

Despite having to juggle work and home, its been positive:

1. My girls have been truly supportive of my work and wake up an hour earlier every morning to go to school, with minimal whinging.

2. Mario has stepped up. He does done of the laundry, cooks dinner and does pick ups and Saturday sport with the girls. I'm happy to say that our child care duties is divided equally now : )

3. So grateful for my mother in law for minding my girls 3 days a week. My MIL and I had our rough times but I think we've found our comfortable spot now...I hope.

Man, this has been a tough year bit I'm glad I'm still holding up despite the challenges. When things get tougher I remind myself that I everything happens for a reason.

❤, Jude....xox

Tuesday 31 July 2012


I was housebound for the last three days. The last time I stepped out of the house was on Saturday. I came home after going for a drive with the family and changed straight into my pyjamas and stayed that way until last night (Tuesday night). Yes, peeps, I stayed in my pyjamas sans shower for 3 whole days. WTH! 

Still, I was grateful to be able to do that. To have 3 full days to fully get myself back together again. I'm not 100% but getting there. 

Also I am grateful for the rain we've been having here in Western Australia. We need it.

And I am grateful that I managed to drop Rohan off to school today. Yay!

Looks like I'm back to blogging now so there will be more posts and more visuals for sure.


Monday 30 July 2012


Sorry all. The kids and I are down with the flu at the moment so haven't been able to do much these few days. Just staying in bed basically.

It made me realise how much I take my health and my body for granted. We all do, don't we? When we are in good health, we complain about things like cellulite, fat ankles, wobbly arms, etc. Honestly, the way I'm feeling right now I don't mind the wobbly arms and cellulite. 

Today, let's be grateful for how our body feels. No aches and pains. We just feel ....fine. I am looking forward to feeling just fine. Next time I complain about my body, I'll remember what it feels like to be sick and praise the lord that I am feeling just fine.


When things are good, they are GREAT...for now!

My girls, are not always the easiest to please. Like me, they are creatures of habit and comfort. Today that was shaken a little when our usual schedule changed for my first day at work. It was the beginning of a new (and hopefully, exciting) journey for us. To accommodate my work schedule they had to wake an hour early, start in school care, deal with changes in who's picking them up and possibly be more independent in doing their homework without me hovering above.


I know it's no big deal. So many families deal with this. And there's definitely bigger challenges that other kids face besides this. But for us, this pushes my girls out of their comfort zone and all I can say is what troopers they have been!

Early this year they started in a new school. Despite being nervous, they held themselves together really well. And today, on my first day back at work, they have once again stepped up. Especially Zara. What will I do without her? She has helped me in so many ways. She was so excited to see me after work and told me what an amazing day she had. They both ate their dinner (veg and all) with no complains, and seamlessly completed homework, shower, practised the flute and went to bed. Zara made sure Nyla was cooperative and stayed on track. No complains. No dramas. No whinging.

I know this is just the first day and there possibly will be days where there will be complains, dramas and whinging (from me included). But for today, I'll take the good ride and run with it.


Thursday 26 July 2012

School Days

School has started again. And you would think I'll have more free time on my hands but sadly, I've been super busy. Busy but happy. 

Tuesday we met up with a new friend I met on She's from Singapore originally, been here for a year. I am so grateful for this website. I've found some awesome new friends because of this website.

Wednesday was spent making and freezing school lunches eg pies and meatballs. My dear friend Ning loaned me her pie maker. It made me realise how dependent we are on gadgets! The juicer, toaster, bread machine. I am so grateful for gadgets that make our life easier!

And lastly, I am so grateful Rohan has been having good days at school so far. He has been trying really hard and I am so thankful.

Hopefully I will be back on track now.


Monday 23 July 2012

Last day of school holidays

I am feeling a little irritable and also abit blue as I am typing this. Irritable because the other half has been very angry annoyed at the boys (for little things, in my opinion). I'm feeling slightly blue because it is the last day of school holidays today.

I know lots of parents dread school holidays but I really love it. I love spending time with the boys. They have been fantastic most times this holidays and I am so grateful for that. 

This school holidays has been one of the best. We've been doing lots of interesting things together and enjoying each others company. I am going to miss not having them around 24-7. Can't wait til the next school holidays!

P/S: Rohan did his second lot of bloodtests today and had to do it TWICE! One on each arm. He was really scared but was such a trooper. He sat still for the right hand but the left hand was abit harder. He did it though and I am so proud of him.

Night night,